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  AddThis Social Bookmark Button's Thumper's Corner Discussion Board » Culture, Race & Economy - Archive 2007  

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
Just desserts for SadaamMzuri14 12-31-06  10:50 am
My VajayjayMzuri12-31-06  11:11 am
It's THIS the Price of BLACK Beauty??Cynique85 12-31-06  11:21 am
Economy - Real Life Money Made In Sim WorldMzuri12-31-06  05:50 pm
Chris tucker- too talented to be in movies?Brownbeauty12329 12-31-06  11:02 pm
Michael Jordan, wife file for divorceNtfs_encryption87 01-01-07  07:42 am
Capital PunishmentNtfs_encryption39 01-01-07  08:58 am
I have a crushToubobie01-02-07  02:51 am
John Conyers Commits Ethics ViolationsChrishayden01-02-07  11:56 am
'Black Women Have Bodies Like Goddesses'Lola_ogunnaike29 01-02-07  12:28 pm
Blackman hanging on penny-true or false?Va_sis01-02-07  12:53 pm
Angela Davis Speaks Out Yvettep15 01-02-07  01:04 pm
ANY WRITERS?Afrika12 01-02-07  02:55 pm
Tiger Woods and his wife are expecting their first childMoonsigns65 01-02-07  03:13 pm
THICKNESSMoonsigns85 01-02-07  03:18 pm
The new LIL KIMTonya26 01-02-07  05:17 pm
"Our 'Africa' Lenses"Lola_ogunnaike61 01-02-07  08:42 pm
Let's Ban EASTWESTLola_ogunnaike12 01-02-07  10:15 pm
KOLA rhymes with LOLALola_ogunnaike01-02-07  11:00 pm
Does this stuff just ever really depress you?Libralind234 01-02-07  11:40 pm
New Years ResolutionDoberman2312 01-03-07  01:28 am
Have you met anyone from this board in "real life"?Toubobie01-03-07  01:47 am
Have a Laugh on Chris Hayden!Cynique01-03-07  02:42 pm
Power in Congress brings blacks new pressures Cynique27 01-03-07  04:43 pm
Kola Boof BITES OFF KAMGrind74 01-03-07  09:42 pm
??Lola_ogunnaike01-03-07  10:14 pm
Thought We All Could Use A Good LaughLola_ogunnaike01-03-07  10:51 pm
Pregnancy for men?Lola_ogunnaike20 01-03-07  11:33 pm
Who are your favorite actors/actresses? Who are your least favortie?Ntfs_encryption54 01-04-07  04:11 am
Kola Boof...."BOOK TOUR 2007"Lola_ogunnaike01-04-07  11:35 am
To those of you who like hip-hop....Cynique31 01-04-07  12:38 pm
Urban Scribe - WE NEED TO TALKEnchanted24 01-04-07  01:46 pm
Oprah's $40 million school opens in South AfricaNtfs_encryption63 01-04-07  02:18 pm
White women cheaper gold diggers than black women?Toubobie134 01-04-07  03:24 pm
Hillary to Obama--Step Off, N*gga!Chrishayden19 01-04-07  04:24 pm
Troy is HOTAmericansista01-04-07  05:03 pm
Beyonce song Listen Shot DownEnchanted01-04-07  07:07 pm
WTF???Ntfs_encryption01-04-07  07:57 pm
Training Day revisitedMzuri30 01-04-07  10:10 pm
The Forbidden Zone For Blacks In 2007Ntfs_encryption40 01-04-07  10:23 pm
Boondocks season oneDoberman2301-05-07  12:51 am
Whitney Houston's Stuff Gets Pimped To Highest BiddersAbm01-05-07  10:15 am
Oprah, AgainDahomeyahosi48 01-05-07  11:48 am
Singer Tyrese allegedly abuses pregnant girlfriend.Cynique19 01-05-07  01:43 pm
What Obama isn't: black like me (Stanley Crouch Eats His Own) ...Ntfs_encryption14 01-05-07  02:01 pm
Chris Hayden Admits he Made a Mistake!Cynique01-05-07  02:37 pm
Why are there so few black SERIAL KILLERS?Chrishayden18 01-05-07  04:08 pm
No Such Thing As Racial Profiling..??Lola_ogunnaike44 01-05-07  06:39 pm
This one is for CYNIQUECynique26 01-05-07  07:04 pm
Phony Negroe Victimhood Exposed....???Serenasailor25 01-05-07  08:34 pm
FAT BITCHLola_ogunnaike53 01-05-07  09:54 pm
BabblingDoberman2322 01-06-07  12:51 am
Casual Sex in the '07Doberman2301-06-07  12:56 am
Just in--Obama DEFINITELY in the race!Doberman2301-06-07  01:00 am
Kansas Outlaws the Practice of EvolutionTonya01-06-07  12:01 pm
CIARADahomeyahosi12 01-06-07  01:08 pm
MAUREEN DOWD: Monkey on a Tiger Tonya01-06-07  06:01 pm
Black Women have UGLY Attitudes?Abm79 01-06-07  10:39 pm
Breaking News: Being Black in America is a Mental Health RiskCynique01-07-07  01:09 pm
OPRAH, LOOK OVER HERE! Cynique01-07-07  01:23 pm
Saddam's Execution Influenced Young Boy's DeathMzuri01-07-07  01:28 pm
The Black American Subway Hero in New YorkCynique22 01-07-07  03:46 pm
Success is the best Revenge?Libralind201-07-07  10:54 pm
The New White Supremacist ManifestoLibralind201-07-07  10:55 pm
How to get paid $200 million to leave your job...Nels10 01-08-07  01:31 am
Crazy Mr Gameshow is backEastwest01-08-07  05:26 am
The Best Sister In the Whole WorldAmericansista01-08-07  12:54 pm
NAACP SaysTrial was RacistChrishayden01-08-07  03:32 pm
Are there any black folks out there who know the English language?Ntfs_encryption63 01-08-07  03:58 pm
Blacks are not as uninterested in education as people thinkMisty14 01-09-07  12:27 am
Mexican gang targetted blacks in freeway shootings in LA...did you ...Ntfs_encryption14 01-09-07  03:24 am
I finally saw Dreamgirls last night!!Ntfs_encryption01-09-07  03:26 am
Why Should Black Straights Defend Gay People?Ntfs_encryption52 01-09-07  03:40 am
Read This OneRenata18 01-09-07  04:06 am
Working Harder for the Man Tonya01-09-07  07:35 am
Lucky songsBrownbeauty12301-09-07  09:33 am
Want To Get Promoted, Sista? Then Get Thee The Hell Away From A Fem...Abm13 01-09-07  12:33 pm
Domestic DisturbancesCynique01-09-07  01:25 pm
Black folks and S&MChrishayden18 01-09-07  02:36 pm
Stop Blaming the Kids!Cynique01-09-07  03:18 pm
"Frozen Girl" CaseUrban_scribe24 01-09-07  04:38 pm
Do we protect them too much?Cynique19 01-09-07  04:44 pm
Are we SKEEVYAbm47 01-09-07  04:49 pm
Nappy HairRenata29 01-09-07  07:48 pm
BEING A BLACK MANTonya01-09-07  08:04 pm
SHARPTON FOR PRESIDENT!!!Cynique17 01-09-07  08:58 pm
When Will Walters Smarten Up & FIRE Rosie's A$$???Libralind201-09-07  10:21 pm
The Unofficial Thumper's Corner I.Q. TestNels16 01-10-07  12:37 am
Todd Wooten's Book: White Men Can't HumpChina_b01-10-07  01:47 am
N.Y. TIMES: Saddam Hussein's love 4 Whitney HoustonMzuri21 01-10-07  01:33 pm
Something I foundRenata18 01-10-07  01:46 pm
WHY, Oprah, Why?Abm25 01-10-07  02:21 pm
Are africans (on this board) obsessed with black americans?Lola_ogunnaike10 01-10-07  02:58 pm
Whatever you say about her....Cynique11 01-10-07  04:51 pm
HalleCynique45 01-10-07  06:32 pm
Taking a daily showerNtfs_encryption60 01-10-07  09:51 pm
WARNING: Toxic Fumes And Bird Deaths Are No Coincidence!!!Mzuri11 01-10-07  10:16 pm
Hey oprah-do BOYS matter?Misty16 01-10-07  10:50 pm
Sorriest Commander in Chief in HistoryMzuri01-11-07  01:20 pm
Kola's Poem: Nile River RatNtfs_encryption01-11-07  03:26 pm
Um.....Misty01-11-07  05:13 pm
If ABM was single......Lola_ogunnaike83 01-11-07  06:11 pm
I Am WhiteTonya01-11-07  06:42 pm
Threat to National SecurityEastwest01-11-07  07:03 pm
Blacks To Be Used As Guinea Pigs . . . Again!!!Mzuri01-11-07  11:41 pm
Where you aware of the 50 day vigil..?Mzuri01-11-07  11:48 pm
GIANCARLO ESPOSITOAbm64 01-12-07  10:23 am
Long-Term Global Forecast? Fewer Continents Yvettep23 01-12-07  12:26 pm
Popular African American WebsitesChrishayden01-12-07  01:35 pm
ABH--Anybody But Hillary!Kola_boof15 01-12-07  02:02 pm
ABMKola_boof30 01-12-07  03:11 pm
ELLA FITZGERALD GETS U.S. POSTAL HONORCynique20 01-12-07  04:48 pm
Ten Days...Ten Murders...?????Ntfs_encryption01-12-07  05:20 pm
TROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TROY!!!Kola_boof01-12-07  06:26 pm
KOLA and TROY laughing their ass offMzuri67 01-12-07  11:00 pm
Why?Lola_ogunnaike01-12-07  11:34 pm
Black criminals in the media...Nels10 01-13-07  03:19 am
Freed Black SlaveownersMisty63 01-13-07  09:18 am
The End of Philadelphia Talk Radio WHATChrishayden01-13-07  10:38 am
IF........Fortified10 01-13-07  10:56 am
WHITE MEN CAN'T HUMP ......??????Fortified72 01-13-07  11:08 am
The GodFather Part II - James Brown Still Not Laid To RestMzuri01-13-07  02:06 pm
African Men And The Culture Of Many Women.Abm42 01-13-07  04:11 pm
I Disagree with "Africans" About the FollowingYukio31 01-13-07  05:52 pm
Another O ViewTropical_storm27 01-13-07  06:43 pm
Various ThoughtsCrystal17 01-13-07  07:00 pm
When love is a black-and-white issue...?Tropical_storm60 01-13-07  07:38 pm
Do we have jsut as much power to hold eachother back as whites have...Cynique28 01-13-07  08:29 pm
TOUREYukio66 01-13-07  10:02 pm
A Luther Vandross QuestionBrownbeauty12301-13-07  10:14 pm
Opinion: NAACP Cynique44 01-13-07  10:18 pm
THIS story constitutes Black on Black Crime!Cynique21 01-13-07  10:56 pm
An Open Letter To Kola Boof From MzuriLil_ze28 01-14-07  12:45 am
African 'Americans' in BrazilTonya01-14-07  12:00 pm
White is RightKola_boof37 01-14-07  01:01 pm
Why are Black Hispanics so ugly and STUPID????Renata01-14-07  01:57 pm
New Orleans struggles to keep its black characterMzuri01-14-07  02:10 pm
The American Way of Equality Cynique01-14-07  04:50 pm
East African spider can control Malaria outbreaksDahomeyahosi01-14-07  06:45 pm
Message to KolaKola_boof01-14-07  07:17 pm
Geoge and Tony, doin' the damn thing.Cynique01-14-07  09:02 pm
This 'Good Shepherd' Prefers His Sheep BlackKola_boof65 01-14-07  09:02 pm
Kola get me some ticketsKola_boof01-14-07  09:19 pm
James Brown Will EXLCUDES 5 year old sonTropical_storm35 01-15-07  01:42 am
Tarzan's childrenDoberman2329 01-15-07  11:17 am
HILL JABS AT JOHNTonya01-15-07  02:56 pm
RIP Alice ColtraneNtfs_encryption01-15-07  03:08 pm
Biden for Prez?????Tonya01-15-07  03:34 pm
Dr. King's Message is Echoed for TodayCynique01-15-07  03:35 pm
Why Halle Berry and Vanessa Williams are bad for Black women!!Abm146 01-15-07  04:25 pm
Why are Beyonce's videos so hot?Cynique01-15-07  04:32 pm
Addy, and All Things Slavery for ChildrenUrban_scribe20 01-15-07  11:18 pm
Question for Lil_ze???Ntfs_encryption49 01-16-07  12:08 am
Condi Gets Blasted For Being ChildlessNtfs_encryption18 01-16-07  12:27 am
NBA's culture of hate Cynique25 01-16-07  01:41 pm
OJ SimpsonTonya01-16-07  02:03 pm
Jordan Settles with Juanita, give her halfMoonsigns33 01-16-07  02:16 pm
King's papers 'arrive home' in AtlantaYvettep01-16-07  02:33 pm
Why I Came BackNtfs_encryption83 01-16-07  04:06 pm
Black PepsiMzuri14 01-16-07  08:03 pm
A History of Soul Food...???Cynique13 01-16-07  10:14 pm
‘BLEACHING’ FOR BEAUTY: THE LEGACY OF SLAVERYNtfs_encryption79 01-16-07  11:01 pm
APOLOGY TO THE BLACK RACENtfs_encryption29 01-16-07  11:04 pm
Zoe saldana-"black" actress or not?Lil_ze16 01-16-07  11:07 pm
Gee, what happened to the duke "rape" case?"Ntfs_encryption12 01-16-07  11:16 pm
CORRINE BAILEY RAE!!!Abm89 01-17-07  01:00 pm
ALEX.....Things a DIVA would do....for 500, pleaseKola_boof15 01-17-07  02:03 pm
A Return to Rage.. Amiri Baraka’s “Dutchman” Chrishayden01-17-07  02:14 pm
Plans for 2008Abm01-17-07  03:15 pm
Paula Abdul - What is she smokin'???Nels31 01-17-07  03:24 pm
Lawmaker Under Fire for Slavery CommentNels11 01-17-07  09:08 pm
Blacks Vs Latinos: Mexicans Kill Black GirlYukio10 01-17-07  10:05 pm
Beyonce??Mzuri110 01-17-07  11:22 pm
BEYONCE HATERSNtfs_encryption22 01-18-07  04:52 pm
+++++++++++ The Greatest Turns 65 +++++++++++ ...Ntfs_encryption01-18-07  05:04 pm
FORBES......The Richest WomenAbm01-18-07  08:48 pm
Never FailsEnchanted01-19-07  12:02 pm
Medical Apartheid Zuriburi01-19-07  02:11 pm
Jennifer hudson- one hit movie wonder?Kola_boof116 01-19-07  03:16 pm
Things People Should Know About RaceNels16 01-19-07  04:02 pm
DontDateHimGurl.comYukio53 01-19-07  08:05 pm
Duke Rape Case Accuser: Going Down in Flames...Name and Photo IncludedJmho63 01-19-07  08:09 pm
Oprah's `truth' shouldn't hurt......Chrishayden15 01-20-07  10:57 am
When and How will Hillary Sistah Soljah Obama?Chrishayden16 01-20-07  11:04 am
GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!!!Chrishayden01-20-07  11:41 am
Men - Who Needs Them? More Women Choose The Single LifeMoonsigns115 01-20-07  12:23 pm
LOLA OGUNNAIKE....was an ImposterCynique01-20-07  01:45 pm
Who Does Obama Really Represent?Urban_scribe18 01-20-07  07:37 pm
What are we doing wrong...??????Nels13 01-20-07  09:39 pm
The Futrue of Black America...?Yukio16 01-20-07  09:44 pm
KolaLibralind228 01-20-07  11:02 pm
Is Halle's career dead??Renata30 01-21-07  12:41 am
Rosie Leaving The ViewRenata16 01-21-07  01:54 am
AGE....IS F_UCKING WITH MEDahomeyahosi36 01-21-07  07:37 am
Is 'Phag' The New N-word??Americansista14 01-21-07  10:05 am
China's True IntentionsMzuri10 01-21-07  10:35 am
Beyond BETTonya01-21-07  11:46 am
Lying Like It’s 2003 Tonya01-21-07  11:55 am
Hillary Clinton behind Obama Smear???Renata01-21-07  01:38 pm
"The 10 biggest race and pop culture trends of 2006"Renata01-21-07  02:00 pm
Jordan Announces Plan to Return To MarriageMzuri01-21-07  02:28 pm
Site Helps People Clear Past ArrestsLibralind201-21-07  04:04 pm
African Diaspora in IndiaLibralind201-21-07  04:12 pm
Cynique chi-town questionsMzuri11 01-21-07  07:37 pm
ABC NEWS POLL: Obama losing PopularityNels01-22-07  02:10 am
Clinton II Runs for President!!! Mzuri01-22-07  11:39 am
Everybody Loves A Winner!Cynique01-22-07  01:12 pm
Forget skin color and looks. Does your blood type make a difference?Nels01-22-07  02:08 pm
TransformationsJackie22 01-22-07  02:35 pm
Mixed-race PPL become biggest minority - Britain Tonya01-22-07  02:55 pm
Lili...LibralandMzuri01-22-07  03:15 pm
BlackAgendaReport.comTonya01-22-07  03:55 pm
Black Panther MovementTonya18 01-22-07  04:19 pm
The "HUMANITY" of Black PeopleGrind38 01-22-07  05:08 pm
Caption This!!!Americansista10 01-22-07  05:40 pm
The Black Women...In "MY FAMILY"Kola_boof40 01-23-07  08:22 am
Representing "Naptown"Yvettep01-23-07  09:45 am
Angela Davis and Katherine CleaverKola_boof26 01-23-07  12:09 pm
LiberiaChrishayden01-23-07  01:44 pm
Hillary Clinton Does Not Like Black PeopleChrishayden01-23-07  02:13 pm
AALBC REQUESTS.....MzuriMzuri01-23-07  02:34 pm
Gotta set the record straight ABM.......Cynique69 01-23-07  02:44 pm
Dreamgirls robbed for Oscar?Kola_boof01-23-07  05:36 pm
The sexiest man alive!!!Fortified49 01-23-07  09:24 pm
To Mzuri, Cynique, Schakspir and all CREE-HOLESNels66 01-23-07  09:54 pm
Using "Fake" I.D.s to postEastwest01-24-07  02:37 am
Whites Not Welcome @ Congressional Black CaucusAbm01-24-07  07:40 am
Studies renew debate - skin color's impact, documentaryMzuri12 01-24-07  02:15 pm
BRANDY????Brownbeauty12301-24-07  02:21 pm
Terry McMillan's Ex To Write A Tell-AllChrishayden20 01-24-07  03:35 pm
Colorism -Light-Skinned and Dark-Skinned....???Abm36 01-24-07  04:22 pm
S.W.A.T.Chrishayden01-24-07  04:45 pm
The US, China and ASATChrishayden01-24-07  04:49 pm
Isaiah Washington: will he be "killed"Jackie24 01-24-07  05:47 pm
The Last King of Scotland and black movies in generalNtfs_encryption35 01-24-07  09:59 pm
More on the Duke Rape CaseNels89 01-24-07  11:05 pm
B.E.TNels01-24-07  11:14 pm
The One-Drop Theory DemystifiedLibralind287 01-25-07  10:12 am
Through Globo TV Lenses Brazil Is a White Dreamland Eastwest01-25-07  01:30 pm
Will Mzuri be next to apologize to the gay community?Chrishayden01-25-07  02:11 pm
Mo'Nique White Foks Modern Day Mammie??Chrishayden20 01-25-07  02:18 pm
What A MessNtfs_encryption109 01-25-07  02:39 pm
Atlanta's Fulton County May Be Racially SegregatedNels23 01-25-07  10:01 pm pics?Doberman2363 01-26-07  02:35 am
Are You Married . . . To Your Computer???Doberman2301-26-07  02:37 am
I'm in a Good Mood!Cynique16 01-26-07  03:38 pm
Eddie Murphy's new movieCynique15 01-26-07  03:54 pm
Where [the fuk are they] When Black Folks Die…Tonya13 01-26-07  04:42 pm
Kathleen Neal CleaverCynique115 01-26-07  08:25 pm
The Sexiest Woman Alive!!Lil_ze36 01-26-07  09:06 pm
'Evolved' Into Being Gay/Lesbian?Cynique33 01-26-07  09:14 pm
Black Journalist on Issiah WashingtonChina_b20 01-26-07  10:49 pm
The Geek SyndicateChrishayden01-27-07  11:52 am
A Possible Break in Unsolved Civil Rights CaseNtfs_encryption11 01-27-07  12:47 pm
Serena wins!!!Tonya01-27-07  01:46 pm
Anticipating a riot in Long Beach ?Ntfs_encryption21 01-27-07  02:07 pm
Madam C.J. Walker, 1867-1919Tonya01-27-07  03:26 pm
The Final Phase of Equality is Within Our Minds!Tonya01-27-07  05:28 pm
Study: Light-skinned immigrants earn moreNtfs_encryption22 01-27-07  05:57 pm
No Child Left Behind? Gimme a break?Yukio10 01-27-07  08:37 pm
Man Kills Daughter For Suspicion of SexSchakspir01-27-07  11:17 pm
Positive Black Image.comTonya28 01-27-07  11:56 pm
Hillary Snubs Obama at State of the Union MessageNels01-28-07  02:46 am
Study: Light-skinned immigrants earn more Yukio20 01-28-07  05:53 pm
Happy 30th B'Day, "Roots"!Yvettep01-28-07  09:35 pm
Rally in Support of Confederate FlagChrishayden01-29-07  11:39 am
FLAVOR OF LOVE NEW YORKChina_b01-29-07  05:53 pm
Why Does Paris Hilton Get Away With Using the N-Word?Mzuri35 01-29-07  06:14 pm
Singer Brandy involed in Deadly car crashMzuri01-29-07  06:33 pm
The Sum of All Ears Tonya11 01-29-07  06:40 pm
The Dirty Truth about Kola BoofSerenasailor10 01-29-07  09:50 pm
Over rated celebrities?China_b11 01-30-07  12:07 am
Mandela calls for non-violent approahSerenasailor01-30-07  12:35 am
Jamaica says "STOP using that skin bleach"Tonya19 01-30-07  03:50 am
Diddy's Babymomma Delivers Twins!!!Abm31 01-30-07  08:02 am
Kappa Alpha Psi Hazers Get Prison TimeLibralind201-30-07  11:33 am
Teen's BubbleWrap Innovation Assists African AmputeesMzuri01-30-07  11:38 am
Five Lovable Things about BlacksTonya21 01-30-07  11:55 am
Porcelain GoddessesNtfs_encryption01-30-07  02:24 pm
I saw Last King of Scotland yesterdayNtfs_encryption10 01-30-07  02:57 pm
Too Be [Black] Or Not To Be [Black]...That Is The QuestionTonya28 01-30-07  06:15 pm
Just a thoughtAbm01-31-07  08:10 am
Your Skin is Your SinAbm16 01-31-07  11:00 am
Bandy may face jail time for deadly crashAbm01-31-07  12:26 pm
Ain't nothing like a scorned woman, lol!!!Cynique20 01-31-07  01:53 pm
Why White People Like ObamaAbm11 01-31-07  03:35 pm
Tyra Banks FAT????Abm33 02-01-07  01:33 am
More Obama DramaNels10 02-01-07  01:47 am
The World Agrees: Stop Bush Before He Kills Again!Chrishayden13 02-01-07  12:19 pm
Barak Obama's fatherYukio28 02-01-07  12:36 pm
SuperBowl Party At Cynique's House Y'allLibralind233 02-01-07  01:25 pm
Faune Chambers: My New Love!!Serenasailor02-01-07  01:28 pm
A Choice for Darfur Libralind216 02-01-07  01:30 pm
Tony, Toni, ToneChrishayden02-01-07  01:49 pm
MLK Day at Texas CollegeCynique11 02-01-07  03:07 pm
Shades of BlackCynique02-01-07  04:09 pm
Best Resignation Letter - EVERMzuri02-01-07  04:22 pm
Black Owned Hotels In Nations Richest Black CountyLibralind202-01-07  06:07 pm
Black love stories in hollywood-non existent?Lil_ze02-01-07  07:30 pm
+++++++++ Top 100 Black Films +++++++++...Lil_ze02-01-07  08:10 pm
And what could these guys possibly have in common...Tonya20 02-01-07  08:19 pm
Promising Study: HIV & BlacksTonya02-01-07  09:43 pm
P. Diddy's twins arrive!!!Serenasailor02-01-07  10:09 pm
Black men do you ignore PAWGS?Ntfs_encryption147 02-02-07  12:05 am
Black Bear, Non-Black BeautyMoonsigns51 02-02-07  08:19 am
Female Teacher & 2 Counselors Serial 'Rape' BoyMisty02-02-07  11:08 am
Unbelievable: Sex offender pretended to be 12 Urban_scribe02-02-07  01:23 pm
Black Demons: The Media's Depiction of the African American MaleNels02-02-07  02:34 pm
What do they mean, "non violence"?Cynique02-02-07  02:50 pm
Who is Sara VaughnDahomeyahosi15 02-02-07  04:21 pm
The GodFather Part III - James Brown's "Wifey" Goes To Court...Mzuri02-02-07  09:13 pm
How can you hate gays and love Prince?Mzuri75 02-02-07  09:19 pm
For New Yorkers Only......Lil_ze11 02-03-07  01:35 am
Professor questions racial solidarity between African American and ...Schakspir11 02-03-07  02:23 am
A Question of ExecutionChrishayden02-03-07  11:48 am
Prince Makes Ugly Faces During Concert!Mzuri02-03-07  12:48 pm
Where your tax dollars are going.....Ntfs_encryption02-03-07  12:57 pm
College Blackface...AgainNtfs_encryption28 02-03-07  01:22 pm
Credit Checks: A Civil Rights Issue?Tonya16 02-03-07  02:56 pm
++++++++++++ RIP Joe Hunter ++++++++++++...Mzuri02-03-07  04:11 pm
Black Youth ProjectCynique02-03-07  07:07 pm
Destiny's Child--The REAL Dreamgirls?Tonya02-03-07  09:25 pm
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?Libralind202-03-07  11:02 pm
Contractors Play Biggest Role Ever Tonya02-04-07  05:50 pm
Joe Biden: N***as Ain't Ready!Ntfs_encryption41 02-04-07  07:04 pm
New York Po-Po Searches Blacks Five Times More Often Than WhitesAbm10 02-05-07  10:02 am
Is Diddy Trading UP From Kim Porter...AGAIN??Ntfs_encryption91 02-05-07  01:58 pm
Colts Big Favorites Over Bears in the SuperbowlMzuri12 02-05-07  02:51 pm
Survey Says: Beyonce Is The No. 1 Most Desirable WomanMisty17 02-05-07  07:36 pm
Mr. Nice Wasn't Very Nice (The White People Are Really Stupid Threa...Mzuri02-05-07  08:59 pm
++++++++++ RIP Barbara McNair ++++++++++...Libralind202-05-07  09:05 pm
Too soon to cancel Hollywood's 'Black Oscars' event?Mzuri02-06-07  12:12 pm
Just a Reminder......Tonya02-06-07  01:39 pm
Michael Jackson KidsCynique14 02-06-07  02:10 pm
Derek ditches Jessica for Gabrielle!!Cynique11 02-06-07  02:35 pm
The history behind Black History Month.....Ntfs_encryption02-06-07  03:00 pm
2.9 TRILLION dollarsChrishayden02-06-07  03:01 pm
BLUE RAIN!!!Cynique20 02-06-07  04:13 pm
Cynique! Where ya at?Libralind216 02-06-07  07:38 pm
Paula PattonAbm02-06-07  07:43 pm
Vivica FoxLatina_wi21 02-06-07  11:03 pm
Do Carribean Blacks look like African Americans???Latina_wi25 02-06-07  11:17 pm
Done deal...!!!Ntfs_encryption21 02-06-07  11:17 pm
++++++++++++ Don King Of The World ++++++++++++...Ntfs_encryption12 02-06-07  11:20 pm
Leonardo DiCaprio Latina_wi49 02-06-07  11:29 pm
Non-black women should stop dating black men?.Latina_wi27 02-06-07  11:46 pm
Asians and the model minority myth dstroyed.Latina_wi29 02-07-07  12:04 am
Tracking all your moves-GPS enabled shoes Nels02-07-07  02:12 am
The Racial Politics of Speaking Well Ntfs_encryption10 02-07-07  01:40 pm
"MIT professor starts hunger strike"Ntfs_encryption02-07-07  01:54 pm
Here is your black love wantedNtfs_encryption02-07-07  02:04 pm
Fat, Sassy, Loud Black Women...?Ntfs_encryption31 02-07-07  02:07 pm
African Americans Don't Trust Medical SystemMzuri02-07-07  05:33 pm
Janet J's afroLatina_wi15 02-07-07  11:25 pm
Rebels eat rare Gorillas in CongoLatina_wi20 02-07-07  11:32 pm
Genes reveal West African heritage of white BritsLatina_wi02-08-07  12:21 am
Janet's man is Mr. PresidentLibralind202-08-07  01:08 pm
They Can't Even Pass a Non Binding ResolutionChrishayden02-08-07  04:21 pm
White Women Are The Craziest!Misty35 02-08-07  04:40 pm
10 Celebrity Women Who Have Hit the WallNtfs_encryption21 02-08-07  08:18 pm
Another Racial Apology (of Sorts)Yukio02-08-07  08:27 pm
St. Louis Health Director Resigns over Racial SlurNels26 02-08-07  10:14 pm
Black History on Sale for a PennyMzuri02-09-07  02:00 am
~"Herrre Comes The Bride (Magazine)"~Serenasailor15 02-09-07  01:00 pm
Gov contracts in IraqChrishayden02-09-07  01:01 pm
Re the Once and Future Potus--Now Hear This!Mzuri02-09-07  04:37 pm
More on Obama's blacknessNtfs_encryption22 02-09-07  06:22 pm
Black Indian PressMisty22 02-10-07  05:16 pm
A Black Man's Trip to Barnes and NobleNtfs_encryption02-11-07  11:03 pm
Obama Doomed?Doberman2312 02-12-07  12:45 am
More Neil deGrasse TysonChrishayden02-12-07  12:04 pm
Who Holds the Real Power in this Country?Mzuri02-12-07  01:36 pm
Anna Nicole--How Can We Cash in on this Tragedy?Chrishayden11 02-12-07  01:41 pm
Gerald Levert's Death An Accidental OverdoseTonya15 02-12-07  02:40 pm
Forgotten Genius..on NOVA TuesCynique15 02-12-07  02:44 pm
Caribbeans in the USAYukio02-12-07  04:36 pm
The State of Black AmericaYukio02-12-07  05:01 pm
Anna Nicole Smith..dead at 39Libralind258 02-12-07  05:23 pm
Bill Clinton Forces Spielberg backtrack on support for ObamaTonya02-12-07  06:50 pm
And meanwhile back at the ranchCynique02-12-07  11:49 pm
Racism is alive and well black youth say......Yukio75 02-13-07  10:41 am
Is this child abuse?Mzuri58 02-13-07  01:24 pm
Who Knows What Lent is?Cynique02-13-07  01:40 pm
Barack Obama's Presidential Candidacy will finally for America to.....Nels02-13-07  10:13 pm
Montel Williams is engaged...!!!!Nels02-13-07  11:42 pm
Why Would You NOT Vote for Barack Obama?Ntfs_encryption50 02-14-07  02:57 am
Eddie and Isaiah News UpdateCynique22 02-14-07  12:41 pm
Speaking from black culture Tonya02-14-07  02:44 pm
+++++++++ JHud's Vogue Cover Shot +++++++++...Serenasailor20 02-14-07  02:59 pm
:-) :-) :-) HAPPY ST VALENTINE'S DAY :-) :-) :-) ...Mzuri02-14-07  03:04 pm
Michelle Obama: Too Black For White PeopleAbm14 02-14-07  04:54 pm
Sharpton: Struggle for civil rights not overYukio02-14-07  11:22 pm
The War on Barack Obama...????Nels02-15-07  03:22 am
Are Abortions Really Our #1 Killer?Abm25 02-15-07  07:39 am
Deadly Tornado hits New Orleans suburbsLatina_wi02-15-07  10:51 am
Question for Black Men??Yukio40 02-15-07  12:07 pm
Environmental RacismTonya02-15-07  02:30 pm
Amiri Baraka in Long BeachMzuri02-15-07  04:10 pm
What do you guys think??Doberman2336 02-15-07  10:20 pm
Freedom Riders: The Children Shall LeadCynique02-16-07  10:40 am
NBC President "fued" with Kola Boof leads to....Tonya02-16-07  01:43 pm
Homosexuality Abm02-16-07  04:10 pm
National Condom WeekLibralind202-16-07  08:57 pm
DungyequeNtfs_encryption25 02-17-07  04:05 am
The Apocalypse Is Upon Us!!!Latina_wi23 02-17-07  08:41 am
No such thing as raceLatina_wi50 02-17-07  09:08 am
Interracial Marriage on the DeclineDahomeyahosi02-17-07  10:08 am
US to cancel Liberia's debtChrishayden02-17-07  11:09 am
Black history month tv programmingNtfs_encryption02-17-07  08:11 pm
How Long Before Obama Drops Out?Nels02-17-07  08:14 pm
Beyonce sports illustrated IIDoberman2302-18-07  04:36 pm
"i don't like ethiopians because of non african features"-wtf?...Yukio38 02-19-07  09:37 am
Britney Spears Goes BaldCynique30 02-19-07  12:47 pm
BalllllinYukio43 02-19-07  03:46 pm
White Male INSECURITY?Latina_wi40 02-20-07  09:21 am
21 week baby who survivedYvettep02-20-07  10:17 am
Ray J and Kim Kardashians sex tape!!!Abm32 02-20-07  11:05 am
Prince Creates SuperBowl Controversy???Stephgirl02-20-07  11:51 am
How many Klansmen does it take to...Chrishayden02-20-07  12:04 pm
Is George W. Bush the Anti Christ?Mzuri02-20-07  01:02 pm
:-):-):-):-):-) Something for Chris H :-):-):-):-):-)...Chrishayden02-20-07  02:45 pm
Tyra's Message 2 The HatersNels66 02-20-07  04:53 pm
Can Bush Attack Iran?Ntfs_encryption02-20-07  05:13 pm
Redefining 'black'Yukio20 02-20-07  05:24 pm
New Orleans pauses to party!!Serenasailor02-20-07  06:26 pm
The "Say something nice about someone" ThreadLibralind260 02-20-07  06:37 pm
ChicagoJackie13 02-20-07  08:35 pm
The GodFather's Burial Location DeterminedMzuri02-21-07  02:02 am
The Ad that will put the Kibosh on ObamaNtfs_encryption02-21-07  04:20 am
Old Lady Still Having SexLatina_wi16 02-21-07  11:04 am
Condi is more qualified to be president than barak obamaChrishayden22 02-21-07  01:20 pm
Cynthia McKinney: The World Can't WaitNtfs_encryption02-21-07  03:19 pm
Vogue or Sports Illustrated!Ntfs_encryption103 02-21-07  04:23 pm
PantiesNtfs_encryption12 02-21-07  04:24 pm
Can You Tell the Truth in America today?Ntfs_encryption02-21-07  04:31 pm
Powell, Rice and ObamaAbm28 02-22-07  07:54 am
TOP 25 EVENTS THAT (mis) SHAPED BLACK AMERICALatina_wi10 02-22-07  09:43 am
Blacksnake MoanLatina_wi40 02-22-07  09:58 am
"Invisible" Sally HemingsAbm16 02-22-07  10:37 am
Whitepeoplearesmarter.comYukio33 02-22-07  11:00 am
Lauryn Hill mysteryTonya30 02-23-07  12:23 pm
Black SF film shortChrishayden02-23-07  12:27 pm
Timothy McVeigh had help ? -Duh !Chrishayden02-23-07  12:50 pm
T's Corner Boardmember Most Likely to...Yvettep18 02-23-07  01:51 pm
The truth-beyone knowles is 32 years old!Abm35 02-23-07  02:10 pm
Jim Crow or Aparteid: Which was worse??Yukio33 02-23-07  08:37 pm
Britney in rehab again, Anna Nicole went 'Gator' in videoBrownbeauty12302-23-07  09:18 pm
Australia's "black" people?Misty23 02-24-07  05:56 am
Why Rebecca DiedLatina_wi02-24-07  11:06 am
Tyra Sport IllustratedDoberman2313 02-24-07  12:06 pm
Nick Cannon and Victoria Secret model Selita Ebanks Wed!!Serenasailor02-24-07  01:03 pm
Hey Obamaramas! Whazzup?Ntfs_encryption02-24-07  02:14 pm
Usher's FianceMzuri18 02-24-07  03:22 pm
Virginia Lawmakers pass slavery apologyJackie02-24-07  08:16 pm
If Obama wins, will America be ready for Black America's ensuing id...Cynique25 02-25-07  12:43 pm
GWTW on Broadway--Burn Down the TheaterLibralind202-25-07  03:33 pm
Feel Free To Forward: Standing WomenLibralind202-25-07  04:32 pm
Happiness and Nappy Headed Black Women...?Serenasailor46 02-25-07  07:34 pm
"PC" DictionaryNtfs_encryption19 02-25-07  07:37 pm
The Top 25 Events That Mishaped Black AmericaLatina_wi38 02-26-07  09:56 am
"Virginia Lawmakers Apologize for Slavery"Yvettep02-26-07  10:20 am
Barak Obama is The Anti Christ!!Cynique18 02-26-07  11:35 am
David Geffen Outs the ClintonsChrishayden02-26-07  11:56 am
Anybody know where I can buy a good bomb shelter cheap?Chrishayden02-26-07  12:18 pm
The Tragedy of the Negro Middle ClassYukio35 02-26-07  03:57 pm
Obama run a sign of Black progress Rice say'sTonya02-26-07  09:56 pm
Online DatingLibralind235 02-26-07  11:02 pm
Who's Gonna Bail Bobby Out???Serenasailor02-27-07  12:38 am
Patti LaBelle Does NOT Have An AttitudeDoberman2302-27-07  02:14 am
Beanpies: how could i forget uChrishayden02-27-07  12:54 pm
Israel to Hold Nationwide Nuclear Attack DrillChrishayden02-27-07  12:56 pm
Film hopes to educate people about British abolitionistCynique02-27-07  02:13 pm
Race, Adulthood and This Blog by Steve BarnesCynique02-27-07  03:40 pm
Dick Cheney, Evil, Power Hungry, or desperate?Jackie02-27-07  04:33 pm
Pacman fever Libralind202-27-07  10:41 pm
Run Forest Run. Whitaker wins Oscar for portrayal of Idi AminRobynmarie27 02-28-07  12:33 am
Jason Whitlock: Bojangling for BigotsNtfs_encryption39 02-28-07  12:56 am
I'm Voting for Barack Obama - period!Dogonvillage69 02-28-07  01:14 am
Arkin upsets Eddie's DreamMzuri22 02-28-07  12:10 pm
Just a reminder:Tonya02-28-07  01:29 pm
Must (should) see film list.Mzuri14 02-28-07  02:15 pm
George S. Schuyler: Black Conservative, Intellectual...Chrishayden02-28-07  03:52 pm
Time to Stop Looking Past Black KKK..??Cynique62 02-28-07  04:29 pm
Paris hiltonDoberman2315 02-28-07  05:04 pm
SuperSize Me - The Effects Of Steroids On Barry BondsMzuri15 03-01-07  01:02 am
Jennifer Hudson Wins OscarLil_ze50 03-01-07  01:45 am
Sexualisation of young childrenDoberman2303-01-07  01:12 pm
Ban The "N" word? Nawwwwww......Too much fun!Ntfs_encryption12 03-01-07  05:56 pm
Kola Boof PerfumeNtfs_encryption03-02-07  12:31 am
White Woman Aborts FOUR Black Babies...Talking About Abortion Right...Latina_wi50 03-02-07  05:05 pm
Should Fat Kid be Taken from Mom?Latina_wi15 03-02-07  05:16 pm
NFL Falcon Jonathan Babineaux Kills Girlfriend's dogMzuri03-02-07  05:39 pm
Dr. Snowden DiesLibralind211 03-02-07  07:31 pm
Obama InterviewLibralind223 03-02-07  10:38 pm
The "Black" DonnellysLil_ze19 03-03-07  12:11 am
Op-Ed / Jerry Jackson: The market economyTonya03-03-07  02:09 am
Blackas Are Not Human....?Mzuri20 03-03-07  03:41 pm
"Beyond Beats and Rhymes"Yukio26 03-03-07  04:51 pm
AsianWeek runs a column called "Why I Hate Blacks"Yukio56 03-03-07  09:55 pm
Black IndiansRenata03-03-07  10:08 pm
The Black Man’s Manifesto for the New MillenniumNtfs_encryption10 03-04-07  01:09 pm
Welfare and the Alternatives Libralind228 03-04-07  04:33 pm
My impressions of the NAACP awardsLil_ze03-04-07  06:08 pm
Fifty Haitians Perish at SeaDoberman2312 03-04-07  11:34 pm
Does Eddie Murphy's New Movie Demean Black Women?A_womon99 03-05-07  04:10 am
DOWD: Where’s His Right Hook?Abm03-05-07  12:29 pm
BILL CLINTON LOVES BLACK PEOPLECynique13 03-05-07  01:53 pm
Yes "blackness" again, I know I'm surprised too! Cynique91 03-05-07  02:29 pm
Foxy Brown Plays the Race CardViqi_french32 03-05-07  05:13 pm
Is it Me??Ntfs_encryption41 03-05-07  07:28 pm
Just for fun: Caption this pic...Doberman2311 03-05-07  09:00 pm
Edwards: Jesus, Poverty, Morality and MoreTonya03-05-07  11:25 pm
The Clintons Stink--From a Guy Who KnowsNtfs_encryption03-05-07  11:56 pm
Gullah, Geechee culture preservation Tonya03-06-07  02:19 am
Cotton Candy Goes To JailMzuri16 03-06-07  10:23 am
Who here has myspace?Moonsigns56 03-06-07  10:50 am
John Edwards: The Coolest Innovator EverCynique03-06-07  12:11 pm
A No-win NightmareNtfs_encryption03-07-07  04:25 am
Black Males and Hip Hop in CaliforniaNtfs_encryption18 03-07-07  04:57 am
Sean P. Diddy Combs arrested for assaultNtfs_encryption03-07-07  04:59 am
Obama's Mama's People Were Slave MastersNtfs_encryption23 03-07-07  05:09 am
Mtv's top 10 rap groups of all timeAbm12 03-07-07  07:16 am
We're Sorry.......?Cynique03-07-07  11:45 am
NAACP President ResignsLibralind228 03-07-07  11:51 am
GLAD!Cynique30 03-07-07  12:32 pm
Court TV Gives Star Jones A Daily Talk Show!!!Cynique03-07-07  12:59 pm
Yo, Dobes!Mzuri27 03-07-07  02:31 pm
Jay-z sells rocawearCynique14 03-07-07  03:52 pm
Where is Kola...???Cynique35 03-07-07  04:08 pm
Trouble at Oprah's School..?????Ntfs_encryption15 03-07-07  07:37 pm
She's Gonna Walk!Mzuri03-07-07  10:40 pm
Native americans explain why the black cherokee are being bannedMisty03-07-07  11:52 pm
Selma 1965Tonya11 03-08-07  04:28 am
Libby Guilty 4 of 5 Counts!!!!!Abm13 03-08-07  02:15 pm
The Presence of the PastAbm03-08-07  02:33 pm
What City??Doberman2303-08-07  05:16 pm
Myspace: Pervert's Happy Hunting GroundAbm17 03-08-07  05:31 pm
WAKE UP BITCHES!!Tonya03-08-07  07:19 pm
Fire kills West African family in NYCLil_ze03-08-07  09:59 pm
Terrence Howard Blasts Black Stereotype???Yukio23 03-08-07  11:03 pm
Obama and Clinton fight for black voteNtfs_encryption41 03-09-07  02:16 am
Hustle & Flow and Black Snake Moan directed by Craig BrewerNtfs_encryption21 03-09-07  02:35 am
Farrakhan: "One Nation Under God"Tonya03-09-07  09:21 am
I Think I Love My WifeMzuri20 03-09-07  10:36 am
EEOC vs Walgreens For Denying Promotions to BlacksAbm03-09-07  11:44 am
New Black Family Values: Babies Forced To Smoke PotLatina_wi60 03-09-07  01:40 pm
Nas says Hip-Hop is not dead!!!Serenasailor03-09-07  01:40 pm
How Black Snake Moan SHOULD have goneYvettep24 03-09-07  01:59 pm
African designers ditch skinny models...?Ntfs_encryption20 03-09-07  03:43 pm
Faith EvansNtfs_encryption40 03-09-07  04:11 pm
NPR: Atlanta Mayor Shirley FranklinLibralind203-09-07  04:26 pm
Re:cap of a raw deal.Cynique03-09-07  05:07 pm
Obama just paid some 17 yr old parking ticketsCynique19 03-09-07  05:30 pm
AFRICAN / AFRICAN AMERICAN ... the black factorYukio14 03-09-07  06:22 pm
What Book Are You Reading?Libralind220 03-09-07  06:53 pm
AALBC Posters--An ApologyCynique03-09-07  10:40 pm
"On Barack: An Open Letter and Invitation to Thoughtful Brothers An...Cynique16 03-10-07  12:02 pm
Lindsay LohanSerenasailor20 03-10-07  05:47 pm
Racial Discrimination in the 21st Century & E-RACE Initiative Tonya03-10-07  05:54 pm
"Young Mothers Find Sisterhood in Missouri College Sorority"Libralind218 03-10-07  08:24 pm
The GodFather Has Been Laid To RestNtfs_encryption03-11-07  03:14 am
Mass governor ask state not to 'give up' on him!!Tonya03-11-07  04:24 am
Beyonce Leads Soul Train Nominations Kola_boof03-11-07  10:35 am
Tyler PerryA_womon03-11-07  11:27 am
Obama slights his own pastor, another error in wooing blacks Tonya37 03-11-07  11:28 pm
:-):-):-):-):-):-):-) I'M J-F-K DAMMIT :-):-):-):-):-):-):-) ...Kola_boof23 03-12-07  03:23 am
Dark and Nappy Girl Like Me...????Ntfs_encryption03-12-07  05:59 am
Another Critical Political IssueYvettep03-12-07  11:33 am
Indentured Servants in AmericaCynique03-12-07  11:48 am
Black Men RevealedAbm03-12-07  12:02 pm
Were the sudan and ethiopia once part of egypt?Americansista03-12-07  04:23 pm
Disney's First Black Princess?Schakspir66 03-12-07  05:00 pm
Should Sex Offenders Be Held After Prison?Chrishayden03-12-07  05:01 pm
Being A Black Business Owner in AmericaDoberman2303-12-07  05:11 pm
Foxy WalksKola_boof21 03-12-07  06:35 pm
The Down Low: Really A Low-Down Crying Shame?Misty29 03-12-07  07:03 pm
Damn...The Other Black CandidateAbm03-13-07  12:48 am
Bet you didn’t know…Cynique03-13-07  11:50 am
Some Coke and a Smoke for Barack ObamaDoberman2303-13-07  05:55 pm
CHANGE IS SOMETIMES FORCEDLil_ze141 03-13-07  08:47 pm
Fellas: Betty or America?Lil_ze44 03-13-07  08:56 pm
HEY THUMPER ARE YOU EVER COMING BACK?? I MISS YOU! Carey, Lambd, Y...Tonya25 03-13-07  09:16 pm
To Catch A PredatorLil_ze20 03-13-07  09:49 pm
Doberman reviewYukio10 03-13-07  09:52 pm
White men who want to see their wives fucked by black menDoberman2358 03-14-07  12:40 am
Life Support for Black Folks...?Mzuri03-14-07  01:17 pm
Writing a Book/Short StoryLatina_wi03-14-07  01:49 pm
Haliburton Splits for DuBaiAbm03-14-07  03:56 pm
Court rules against dying woman in medical Marijuana case!Abm03-14-07  04:01 pm
Black Leads Absent From Network DramasCynique14 03-14-07  05:15 pm
Urban legendCynique17 03-14-07  05:19 pm
Bush Needs Injured Troops To Go Back To Iraq.....Sorry ABout That...Abm15 03-14-07  05:41 pm
Why Did Kola Get Banned?Mzuri90 03-14-07  10:25 pm
Sean bell shooting-police ready for riotsCynique20 03-15-07  01:36 am
Ever Thought About An 'IGNORE' Feature, Troy??Chrishayden28 03-15-07  10:29 am
A True FirstAbm108 03-15-07  11:05 am
AbmYvettep21 03-15-07  11:11 am
Sharpton Answers his CriticsAbm25 03-15-07  01:16 pm
Simmons Hits Back At Jewish CriticsAbm03-15-07  03:13 pm
What if Anna Nicole Smith Had Been Black?Schakspir03-15-07  05:32 pm
Bushmeat: Curse of the Monkey's PawMzuri03-15-07  09:57 pm
Julian Bond Weighs InToubobie20 03-16-07  12:50 am
Cherokee tribes expells Black members!!!Toubobie20 03-16-07  01:04 am
"Black Women Coaches: You Haven’t Come a Long Way Baby"Abm03-16-07  07:39 am
"Journalist Seeks Solutions for Helping Black Children"Yukio14 03-16-07  12:18 pm
High School Student Sit in in St. LouisAbm19 03-16-07  01:20 pm
R.I.P. SinbadMzuri13 03-16-07  03:27 pm
Kody Scott back in the slamCynique03-16-07  05:06 pm
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Misfiring on 'Why I Hate Blacks' Tonya03-16-07  05:51 pm
Officers Indicted In Groom Shooting Mzuri03-16-07  06:55 pm
Got A 'Love Hangover' For Diana Ross!!Mzuri03-16-07  08:01 pm
Cutting Corners in New Orleans – And Strange Bush Family Ties To Boot!Yukio03-16-07  10:37 pm
Nagin Suspects a Plot To Keep Blacks AwayTonya03-17-07  02:02 am
>> THE SECRET <<Always_lurking23 03-17-07  12:40 pm
**THE KOLA SAGA**Mzuri10 03-17-07  02:02 pm
Moms Hot to Trot Tonya03-17-07  05:56 pm
The Flip SideTonya03-17-07  06:20 pm
Online Activists Call on Black Leaders to Reject Fox Dahomeyahosi10 03-17-07  09:33 pm
Must See: HBO's "Life Support" Starring Latifah Toubobie31 03-18-07  05:27 am
America's Next Black Leader Reality SeriesCynique03-18-07  11:11 am
Black Stories from Black Scribes to Black JournalistsCynique03-18-07  11:18 am
Teacher's Husband Kills Her Teen LoverCynique03-18-07  07:18 pm
Rising waters threaten Sudan's archeologySerenasailor03-19-07  12:43 am
DNA Genealogy SearchesAbm03-19-07  11:43 am
1984: Unauthorized Obama Internet VideoTonya03-19-07  12:27 pm
"It's Pluto--PLANET Pluto if you're New Mexico..."Mzuri03-19-07  04:51 pm
Michael Jackson Wtf?Renata03-19-07  10:03 pm
The black face of white nationalismAbm27 03-20-07  07:48 am
Should I buy it?Robynmarie34 03-20-07  09:13 am
Should Kola Boof Be Banned?Latina_wi181 03-20-07  01:35 pm
Steve Harvey's Radio Show No. 1 On Urban StationsMzuri12 03-20-07  04:17 pm
Is Gonzales Toast?Abm03-20-07  04:46 pm
Zimbabwe warns foreign envoys of supporting oppositionSteve_s03-20-07  06:37 pm
Say It Ain’t So, Joe!Steve_s03-20-07  06:46 pm
Smells fishyDoberman2303-20-07  10:27 pm
How do you KNOW when you're addicted to exercise? Tonya03-21-07  06:20 pm
The Real DealTonya61 03-21-07  08:15 pm
Don King Is Going To The Vatican To Meet The Pope!!!Mzuri03-21-07  09:47 pm
I'm NOT The Daddy; Why Should I Be Made To Pay?Renata107 03-22-07  12:29 pm
E. OFARI HUTCHINSON: Indicting New York Cops...Cynique15 03-22-07  12:47 pm
Terry McMillan Sues Ex for $40MYvettep12 03-23-07  11:07 am
New magazine targets Black BraziliansSerenasailor03-23-07  05:53 pm
West Breaks It Down!!Yukio27 03-23-07  09:11 pm
Do You Feel Connected to Africans..Renata39 03-24-07  12:38 am
Black Girl Given 7 Years In Prison...for "Pushing" SomeoneChrishayden03-24-07  10:40 am
Even If It Kills My WIFE, I’ve Gottah Be PRESIDENT!!!Mzuri18 03-24-07  12:25 pm
:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(Today's Arrest Blotter:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(...Mzuri03-24-07  12:29 pm
More Crap from Stanley CrotchMzuri37 03-24-07  02:48 pm
Advocacy and Teaching Tonya03-24-07  09:11 pm
Luck of the IrishLil_ze14 03-24-07  10:44 pm
Blacks suffer most in U.S. foreclosure surgeToubobie13 03-25-07  06:42 am
"Gates Foundation to Give D.C. Students Push to College"Renata37 03-25-07  11:11 am
Ten Black ppl you would ban from the race!Serenasailor22 03-25-07  01:32 pm
"Post-"Civil Rights Era?Yukio85 03-25-07  02:49 pm
Vanessa Williams Receives Her Star On Hollywood's Walk of FameMzuri68 03-25-07  07:36 pm
Nagin to Black Press: Tragedy Ain’t OverMzuri03-26-07  09:39 am
Nelson Mandela Boycotts BicentennialMzuri19 03-26-07  11:34 am
Special school programs for blacks: racist or essential?Cynique03-26-07  12:17 pm
"Legacy" College Admissions and Affirmative ActionAbm03-26-07  04:23 pm
A clash of culture or racism?Tonya29 03-26-07  04:37 pm
The female experience of racismCynique61 03-26-07  06:00 pm
Shirley Q: comedy in error?Cynique14 03-26-07  09:24 pm
Disney considers unlocking ’Song of the South’Abm03-27-07  11:53 am
GO MISS USA!!!!!!Moonsigns22 03-27-07  01:30 pm
Africans as America's true model minorityBrownbeauty12390 03-27-07  03:56 pm
Jealous Boyfriends strangles, dismembers, and grills girlfriend.Doberman2316 03-27-07  04:30 pm
Smugglers throw hundreds of African migrants into seaAbm03-27-07  05:23 pm
Cos on his last legs?Cynique31 03-27-07  07:10 pm
Slave Trade and AfricaEnchanted28 03-27-07  10:18 pm
White Women Overated?Eastwest13 03-27-07  11:28 pm
Where is NTFS?A_womon10 03-27-07  11:29 pm
The war on drugs' war on minoritiesCynique03-28-07  12:16 am
Black Women/Black Atheists ?Toubobie35 03-28-07  12:26 am
Comedian Eddie Griffin crashes pricey Ferrari!!Abm03-28-07  06:32 am
ATTN CHRIS HAYDEN: IT'S TIME FOR AN UPGRADE!!!Urban_scribe18 03-28-07  12:30 pm
Sept. 29, Mark your calendarsAbm56 03-28-07  12:40 pm
First Black Internet BankMzuri03-28-07  01:26 pm
The Kool Room DeletedEnchanted03-28-07  02:07 pm
Pope Benedict XVI Warns All SinnersCynique20 03-28-07  06:43 pm
"New Orleans: Music in Exile"Mzuri03-28-07  07:18 pm
Don Cheadle: Magical Negro?Cynique31 03-28-07  08:37 pm
The Black Anglo SaxonDahomeyahosi12 03-28-07  08:44 pm
Single Dad needs a Marrow DonorLatina_wi03-29-07  06:47 am
Chris Rock "I Don't Let My Kids Listen To Beyonce"Tonya29 03-29-07  01:06 pm
Foolishness, colorism, and the 'african' diaspora! Jackie49 03-29-07  05:41 pm
Has Oprah started a trend for stars?Robynmarie16 03-29-07  11:26 pm
Unique Names Play [an even greater] Role in PerceptionsLatina_wi03-30-07  06:47 am
The Fired Prosecutors Scandal and Black VotersYukio03-30-07  11:31 am
Parents! Check Your High School SportsChrishayden03-30-07  02:19 pm
Tuskegee Airmen Receive Congressional Gold MedalCynique03-30-07  03:07 pm
"California Conference Addresses Domestic Abuse"Yvettep03-30-07  03:09 pm
White People/Black MusicCynique03-30-07  03:13 pm
Unconscious Bias: Today's DiscriminationMzuri03-30-07  04:58 pm
Mandingo parties? (LONG READ)Latina_wi14 03-30-07  07:24 pm
Bone a Black Kid So You Can Get Off & GET OFFMisty15 03-30-07  09:18 pm
Virtual Obama To Be Simulcast In SecondLifeMzuri03-31-07  02:31 am
Julianne Malveaux Named Bennett College PresidentStephgirl03-31-07  03:04 pm
Jackson endorses ObamaLibralind216 03-31-07  05:15 pm
Mzuri...a loose cannonLibralind2122 03-31-07  05:23 pm
Black men pay you more attention if you date interracially?Brownbeauty12343 03-31-07  05:47 pm
Kola Boof's "Goodbye" MessageNuuon04-01-07  01:54 pm
Morehouse's growth may hinge on its next leaderTonya04-01-07  08:03 pm
MLB reacts to study about lack of blacks Cynique04-02-07  11:41 am
SECRET REVEALED - OPRAH IS REALLY A MAN!!!Chrishayden21 04-02-07  12:53 pm
Who gets laid in the moviesMzuri04-02-07  01:47 pm
"Howard University First HBCU to Divest From Sudan"Abm04-03-07  10:42 am
Scary Spice gives birthSerenasailor04-03-07  07:18 pm
ABM Would Like This Article- Clarifying Yang and Yin stuff by Stev...Yukio17 04-03-07  09:04 pm
Lack of Blacks in GolfChrishayden04-04-07  10:42 am
Urban Style ComicsChrishayden04-04-07  11:56 am
Leila Ali: Dancing with the StarsNuuon40 04-04-07  12:34 pm
Hotel Rwanda hero accused of profiting from tragedyChrishayden04-04-07  04:26 pm
Emmett Till's Autopsy ReportYukio28 04-04-07  09:25 pm
When Officially is/was the tenth anniversary? Libralind250 04-05-07  01:06 pm
Educating Black Children--Where is the Parental Component?Libralind218 04-05-07  01:18 pm
Uncle Ben Gets an UpgradeYvettep24 04-05-07  06:08 pm
Remember the Rev Henry Lyons???Yvettep10 04-05-07  06:09 pm
Obama has raised 20 million dollarsMzuri19 04-05-07  06:15 pm
What Men are REALLY ThinkingTonya04-07-07  06:52 am
Pro-AgeMzuri04-07-07  11:01 am
Angelina Jolie is adopting another baby... this one from ChadToubobie10 04-08-07  09:08 am
"Release of Drug Offenders Strains Communities"Toubobie04-08-07  09:28 am
Artist Kara Walker and Shadow RacismLibralind204-08-07  09:16 pm
Sistas Are Doin' It For ThemselvesYvettep16 04-09-07  09:34 am
African American exodus: San Francisco Serenasailor04-09-07  12:17 pm
Message to TroyNels10 04-10-07  01:57 am
The Knucklehead Minority, The Black Woman and AIDSCynique136 04-10-07  01:46 pm
"Black Women Face Quandary in Democratic Race"Chrishayden04-10-07  02:31 pm
Ms. Morrissette gets ghetto!Moonsigns17 04-10-07  03:57 pm
Don Imus' biggest, 'nappy-headed ho' speaks outYukio04-10-07  11:54 pm
"Ga. school plans its first non-segregated prom"Yvettep04-11-07  08:25 am
:-):-):-):-):-):-) HoPpY EASTER!!! :-):-):-):-):-):-)...Yvettep04-11-07  08:31 am
Why Don Anus did itChrishayden04-11-07  02:58 pm
Gwen ifill's responseYukio04-11-07  03:51 pm
Jonestown DocRenata04-11-07  04:20 pm
The Black Anglo Saxon, Part 2Cynique18 04-12-07  10:33 am
"Shattering Stereotypes"Yvettep04-12-07  02:13 pm
"In a League of Her Own"Ntfs_encryption04-12-07  03:07 pm
Michelle Obama needs a makeoverAbm21 04-12-07  03:23 pm
Question for the board?Cynique22 04-12-07  03:34 pm
DON IMUS FIRED !!!!Cynique04-12-07  04:52 pm
HEY ABM and CYNIQUE!!!!Renata10 04-12-07  05:31 pm
Should Don Imus be fired?Tonya85 04-12-07  07:44 pm
CosmoGirl Film Awards...please supportYvettep04-13-07  10:14 am
Black [british] culture responsible for violence Chrishayden04-13-07  01:49 pm
Don Imus Fired from CBS!!!!Ntfs_encryption15 04-14-07  05:21 am
Jigaboos, Wannabes And Nappy-Headed HosNtfs_encryption20 04-14-07  12:47 pm
Thanks........Ntfs_encryption17 04-14-07  01:04 pm
R.I.P. Roscoe Lee BrowneMzuri04-14-07  02:02 pm
Sam Smith: Post Literate AmericaCynique04-14-07  02:58 pm
Update: Derrick Bell's Kola Boof "Trial" at N.Y. U.Cynique04-14-07  02:59 pm
So What If Imus Said What He Did...You Black People Originated The ...Cynique40 04-14-07  03:11 pm
Women producing sperm ?Mzuri04-14-07  10:25 pm
Rutgers Women Should Meet Imus in PublicNtfs_encryption17 04-15-07  04:37 am
The Bytch Ho ProblemNtfs_encryption68 04-15-07  05:15 am
It's a done deal.......for now...Abm17 04-15-07  09:20 am
Snoop Dogg on "Ho's"Abm61 04-15-07  10:38 am
Rap makes Imus possibleRenata53 04-15-07  08:22 pm
He Got The Heave Ho But We Can Get A Nappy Headed HoRenata18 04-15-07  09:06 pm
The Age of DarwinTonya04-15-07  10:16 pm
German soldiers told to imagine blacks, and fire awayLil_ze17 04-16-07  12:09 am
The Return of Fried head: Al Sharpton and Hip HopA_womon12 04-16-07  03:45 am
Exploring the ‘Imprint’ of Black Americans Tonya04-16-07  12:59 pm
Question for the board?Brownbeauty12348 04-16-07  01:29 pm
Giuliani, A Racist with REAL powerChrishayden04-16-07  01:30 pm
Film Contest Tampering?Mzuri04-16-07  01:37 pm
Korean store owner shoots little black girl in the backFortified04-16-07  02:09 pm
Michael and Juanita - No 1 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorce EverYvettep12 04-16-07  02:11 pm
Race remains centralEastwest04-16-07  02:20 pm
Re the Duke Rape CaseMzuri04-16-07  02:54 pm
Duke rapists--why don't they sue?Yvettep04-16-07  02:56 pm
Obama's silence on Imus alarms some blacksNtfs_encryption32 04-16-07  04:14 pm
Imus fans show true colorsCynique18 04-16-07  04:42 pm
Eastwest a repressed Homosexual!!!Mony11 04-16-07  06:00 pm
So How Many Times for Torture Boy?Cynique04-17-07  01:50 pm
"Long-Lost Classic 'Killer of Sheep' Hits Theaters"Yvettep04-17-07  02:38 pm
Mzuri--what about Emmitt Till?Chrishayden04-17-07  04:37 pm
Good Lord Obama!Cynique13 04-17-07  06:22 pm
Rutgers women basketball-over looked issue?Lil_ze11 04-17-07  07:33 pm
Oprah: "After Imus: Now What?"Tonya23 04-17-07  08:06 pm
"Was C. DeLores Tucker Right?"Yukio04-18-07  10:51 am
Thug Life in BrooklynNtfs_encryption11 04-18-07  12:17 pm
Gladys Knight to Receive ELLA AwardCynique04-18-07  01:22 pm
CBC Catch Hell from JesseChrishayden04-18-07  03:33 pm
What Don Imus did?Serenasailor04-18-07  04:41 pm
Oprah's "after Imus, what next" showCynique16 04-18-07  05:23 pm
Tackling Decline in Black Male College EnrollmentRenata12 04-18-07  08:02 pm
Pulitzer to Ornette ColemanNtfs_encryption11 04-18-07  11:09 pm
Virginia Tech and ChoRenata12 04-18-07  11:39 pm
VA ShootingRenata33 04-19-07  12:11 am
What did you do?Cynique11 04-19-07  01:41 pm
VA Shooter a South Korean StudentTonya04-19-07  02:38 pm
The Real Nappy Headed HoesLibralind210 04-19-07  02:46 pm
Teachers have bias against black malesCynique15 04-19-07  03:16 pm