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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 06:46 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

April 24, 2007

Obama’s Rise Strains Loyalty on Clinton Turf


Only a few months ago, the vast majority of black elected officials in New York were expected to support the presidential candidacy of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. But no longer.

In a series of interviews, a significant number of those officials now say they are undecided about whether to back Mrs. Clinton or one of her main rivals for the Democratic nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, the only black politician in the race.

The officials described themselves as impressed with the strength of Mr. Obama’s campaign in recent weeks, saying it reflected a grass-roots enthusiasm for Mr. Obama that many noticed among black voters in their own districts. And that could signal trouble for Mrs. Clinton, forcing her to devote precious attention to her home state, where blacks made up 20 percent of the Democratic primary vote in 2004, just as she has had to scramble to keep black support nationwide.

Facing a potential drift of black support, the Clinton campaign has recently taken several steps: dispatching former President Bill Clinton to speak before black and Hispanic lawmakers in Albany earlier this year, and then to address the Rev. Al Sharpton’s group, the National Action Network, in New York last week; using Bill Lynch, who was a top political adviser to former Mayor David N. Dinkins, to corral black support in New York City; and enlisting heavyweights from the black political establishment like Representative Charles B. Rangel, Democrat of New York, to help Mrs. Clinton court black leaders.

Many black New York officials have strongly supported Mrs. Clinton — not to mention her husband, starting with her first Senate campaign in 2000, when she was still in the White House and had only just established residency in the state.

But these officials said it had become increasingly clear to them that Mr. Obama, who has barely campaigned in New York, is no mere flash in the pan, and seems to possess the public approval ratings and campaign war chest needed to compete in a presidential contest.

“I would have supported Hillary if it were not for Barack Obama,” said Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, a leading figure in Harlem who said he had yet to make an endorsement. “He can identify with my African-American community in a way that no other candidate can.” Assemblywoman Crystal D. Peoples, who represents Buffalo, and who has been contacted by one of Mrs. Clinton’s top political lieutenants, said she was similarly divided. “It’s a very difficult decision,” Ms. Peoples said. “I’ll really do a lot of soul-searching on this one.”

Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, Democrat of Brooklyn, said many black politicians were mindful of what happened in 1988, when overwhelmingly large numbers of black primary voters in New York supported the presidential candidacy of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, to the surprise of black politicians who supported his rivals. He said that “there was a lot of atoning that had to be done” afterward among those politicians.

“This is bigger than Jesse Jackson,” Mr. Perry, who remained undecided, said of Mr. Obama’s candidacy. “When you look at Obama, his potential seems quite explosive.”

It is still early in the campaign, and Mrs. Clinton, whose political operation is aggressive and wide-reaching in the state, has plenty of time to consolidate her support among black New York leaders.

Speaking on behalf of the Clinton campaign, Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Democrat of New York, acknowledged that Mr. Obama had stirred “an element of ethnic pride” among black elected officials. But in the end, Mr. Meeks said, Mrs. Clinton’s years of experience in the White House and in the Senate gave her an edge over Mr. Obama.

Perhaps the most important figure working to round up black support for Mrs. Clinton has been Mr. Rangel, the leading elected official in New York’s black political establishment.

Mr. Rangel, of Harlem, an early and important supporter of Mrs. Clinton’s first Senate campaign, invited black leaders in Upper Manhattan to a meeting in recent weeks, where Mrs. Clinton made a direct appeal for their support — even as she took a moment to praise Mr. Obama, according to one person who attended the event.

Assemblyman Keith L. T. Wright of Harlem, who attended the meeting and is undecided about the race, said Mr. Rangel “feels ownership” in Mrs. Clinton because of his past association with her and was “working overtime” to round up support for her presidential campaign.

“That’s quite formidable,” Mr. Wright said, referring to the clout Mr. Rangel brings in championing Mrs. Clinton’s cause.

And yet Mr. Wright, who is close to Mr. Rangel, acknowledged that “there is some conflict” among black leaders now that there is a choice between Mrs. Clinton, a longtime ally, and Mr. Obama.

“I’m certainly undecided right now,” Mr. Wright said, adding that Mr. Obama’s “candidacy is making me quite proud.”

In an interview, Mr. Rangel sought to play down the situation, and pointedly noted that he did not know of any elected official in New York who had actually endorsed Mr. Obama, though he acknowledged that Mr. Obama had substantial support in the state based on the money he has raised there.

“Everyone I talk with supports her,” said Mr. Rangel, who talks up Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy in television and radio appearances and who attends fund-raisers on her behalf. “I don’t know Obama supporters in New York.”

As for black leaders in New York who have not already backed her, Mr. Rangel seemed to suggest it was just a matter of time before they did. “There are a lot of people who are just waiting for her to ask them,” Mr. Rangel said, referring to Mrs. Clinton. But the fence-sitting among these black leaders is a potentially troubling sign for Mrs. Clinton, who, like Bill Clinton, has long enjoyed considerable support among blacks, who are a crucial component of her home-state base.

The vacillation among black leaders in New York was all the more striking as neither Mr. Obama nor his advisers appeared to be spending much, if any, time in the state trying to round up their support before the Feb. 5 primary.

Indeed, many of the leaders interviewed said they had not heard from Mr. Obama or officials in his campaign, though the state had moved its primary to the first Tuesday in February from the first Tuesday in March.

Mr. Obama even turned down a recent invitation to address the New York State Legislature’s black and Hispanic caucus. Still, in some cases, the political leaders said they had been hearing from constituents who support Obama.

Assemblyman Jeffrion L. Aubry of Queens said he had not endorsed Mrs. Clinton, though her camp had reached out to him, while Mr. Obama’s had not. He said that while Mrs. Clinton was “connected in special ways to the minority community,” Mr. Obama’s candidacy had profound appeal as well.

“His presence as a legitimate black politician at a national level brings a certain pride,” Mr. Aubry said. “It makes you have to make a choice.”

State Senator Kevin S. Parker, Democrat of Brooklyn, said he thought the “vast majority” of black leaders in New York would have already backed Mrs. Clinton if not for Mr. Obama.

“I do share the view that it has been complicated by Senator Obama’s presence,” Mr. Parker said, of the decision about whom to endorse. “I think people are split.”

Even Mr. Rangel, in the interview, acknowledged having “a lot of racial pride and identification” with Mr. Obama’s candidacy, and noted that he had actually encouraged Mr. Obama to run for president.

Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company
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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 08:55 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Rangel came to speak at my day job back in March. He did say that he encouraged Obama to run. But he would not endorse him.

It is as if these dudes are waiting around for something external to make the decision for them -- instead of manning up and making the right decision and backing the candidiate they feel is the best now and working toward a victory.

It is like they are praying for some dirt to come up about Obama so that they can support Hillary without undermining racial pride. Or maybe Hillary can be caught on tape using the n-word so that they could justify to the Clintons why they are not suporting Hillary.

Rangel knows who they best person for the job is right now. I hope whoever he supports, for "political" reasons is actually the best person for the job.
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AALBC .com Platinum Poster
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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 09:21 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)


According to the article, Rangel supports Clinton. The caution you describe is expected, no? It is politics, of course; the Clintons are powerful. And, in many degrees, the effectiveness of Obama is so amazing considering the Clintons'political clout. Thus, this wait-and-see behavior is reasonable and expected, imo.
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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007 - 09:49 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Yukio I actually meant officially endorse. I quickly rescanned the article and I don't see where it says Rangel is endorsing Clinton.

That is the context I meant by support.

Yes the caution is expected -- which is why the political process is f'ed. Putting my preemptive support for Obama aside for the moment; supposed I wanted guidance from my Black political leadership for who I should support. I can even get an answer.

Even if they said well Obama might be the best person, but Black folk would be better off supporting Hillary because of this that and the other – I would be happy.

This is why the best person for any high political office will never be elected or even enter the race.

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 08:49 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

"...wait-and-see behavior is reasonable and expected, imo."

I agree.

Isn't it what we all do? As citizens we wait until we get a feel for most of the candidates before we decide which way we're going to vote. Honestly I expect something similar from our leaders. Not that their views are enough to sway my vote, they're not...However the candidates are their colleagues in some cases, their opinions do matter somewhat. But if they're making their decisions hastily and aren't exhibiting a "wait-n-see" rationale, why respect their endorsements?

"It is politics…"

…Exactly…nothing more, nothing less.

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AALBC .com Platinum Poster
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Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 11:55 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

This is the political system at work.

They are now going to stick Hillary Clinton up for all they can get before they endorse her--and they ought to.
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 - 08:27 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

May 01, 2007

Obama snubs Black Caucus
Thomas Lifson

Senator Barack Obama has apparently failed to host a fundraiser or otherwise generate funds to support the PAC run by the Congressional Black Caucus. Alexander Bolton writes in The Hill,

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has failed to raise money for the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) even though it has been a year since he was asked to, and his main rival for the Democratic presidential nomination has done so, CBC members say.

CBC leaders asked Obama to hold a fundraiser for the caucus's political action committee (PAC) a year ago but they have slim hopes that he will come through for them.

Of course, most members of the CBC come from safe seats in majority-black districts. As Bolton notes,

"I think it's an important gesture," said CBC Chairwoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-Mich.), who has not yet endorsed any candidate in the primary. "I think he should have done it. I do understand he's now in the thick of what he's doing and I find that unfortunate.

"Certainly he's been fundraising all over the country for various people and I just wish he would also help the CBC because we have members all over. I think it would have been a benefit to him as well as to the CBC."

Kilpatrick said CBC members represent about 40 million people in 26 states; 10 caucus members represent districts that are not majority African-American and thus could face competitive races in the future.

The CBC PAC offers some support to new black candidates for office. Obama himself received $10,000 when running for the Senate.

I suppose that if the CBC makes an issue of it, Obama can always host a fundraiser over the next year or so. Certainly he will have plenty of maxed-out donors who could pony up for the CBC PAC. But he may wish to keep a certain distance from the fairly radical positions of the CBC.

This situation underscores the tricky balancing act Obama has ahead. He wants to maintain his status as beyond race, while avoiding enmity from an African-American establishment which has shown hesitancy to embrace immigrant blacks whos do not share the heritage of descent from American slaves. The fact that the Clinton Machine has plenty of allies and no scruples will not be helpful.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky
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Posted on Saturday, May 05, 2007 - 11:08 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Obama doesn't owe the CBC anything.

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