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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Chrishayden

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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 10:01 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

"Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?"

Supposedly this is what Henry II supposedly said while ranting about St. Thomas a Beckett.

Shortly thereafter some of Henry's supporters, reading between the lines, whacked St. Thomas.

Apparently one third of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job. This is either cause for concern or par for the course depending on your view of the American public.

I think it is disturbing.

What do you think? Was it an inside job?

For myself I do not think that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, or any of the decision makers in Washington knew about the attack or ordered it, or anything.

But I do think that now they know that some elements of our government were involved and are covering it up.

We have heard all kinds of stories about robot guided planes, CIA doubles for the highjackers, and explosives in the buildings. I think that some of these stories are spread around by people who want to have the real story covered up.

At the very least, we have evidence that some members of American law enforcement observed the activities of the highjackers in Florida, reported it and it was brushed off. We have evidence that Condi Rice was briefed that Al Quaeda was planning to fly planes into buildings, which she denied.

Of course, Al Quaeda had attacked the WTC before and two embassies, and Osama had declared Jihad on the US and regularly issued threats.

Do I think somebody in US intelligence, or somewhere knew about this plot? Depends on what plot.

I don't yet believe that anybody in a position to report or stop the attacks would have allowed an attack which would kill thousands of people to go down.

But maybe that was not what they thought.

No hijacker, if you recall, had ever done that. They had taken the planes, negotiated, and either been killed or captured or flown away after releasing every one and getting what they wanted, which was usually release of this or that captured person.

I think the plotters knew they were being monitored. Come on. If you were going to mount a terrorist attack in say Pakistan, would you go over there and start preparing and training with any confidence you wouldn't be noticed?

I think when they were not picked up and allowed to go forward they knew somebody knew (after all, almost as great a stir would have been caused had they been captured before they carried out their plot--they are in the terrorism business. They want to play mind games. They win by instilling terror. Dig what has happened in the wake of the discovery of the British plot a few months ago.

They flipped the script. They crashed the planes.

Why would somebody even take the chance that such a thing might happen?

Remember how it was in 2001? People were still steamed over the stolen election and dirty tricks of 2000. George Bush's ratings were in the toilet.

And we have the statement of the Project for a New American Century, which had mapped out the campaign of action were are currently undertaking in the Middle East, saying we needed a "Pearl Harbor type event".

Somebody in the government, or intelligence services read between the lines.

"Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?"

"Saddam is history", George Bush is supposed to have said shortly after taking office. "We are taking him out."

The Implied qualifier--"We just need an excuse--"

Somebody heard and obliged.
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Username: Msprissy

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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 11:28 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

September 11, 2001: a day of horror.

Year 2002 was the last time I wanted to think about 9/11. I still avoid television shows and movies about that horrible day. I still hear voices in my head of the people I talked with and tried to calm, especially the seniors scared out of their wits, and unable to comprehend what had happened to their safe world. Little did they know we were too.

I was working in the newsroom of WMAQ TV, NBC Chicago when the first World Trade Tower exploded September 11, 2001.

On the eleventh, the newsroom was doing its usual dance, getting their news clips from in-house news sites, continuing the productions. The newsroom has many computers, paired with small TVs, on each desk. They were all up and running, never turned off. I had a desk-mate who split the shift with me. When we left our part-time jobs, someone else took over.

I signed into my account and started taking messages off the audience service lines—my job—when a buzzer went off sounding like a submarine blasting warnings of danger. From its position on the wall across from the assignment desk, a red light circled, and flooded the desk in red. Surreal. Staff crowded into the assignment area. I automatically followed because it saved me and them from having to ask questions I knew the callers would ask. Besides I was, and still am, a news junkie. Little did I know the magnitude of what I needed to consume that day.

All vision locked on overhead televisions, each on a different station, and saw the horror as the first Tower exploded, several times. Standing with mouth’s open, side-by-side in the middle of the room, we saw the second plane appear on the screen. It looked like it was creeping around the back of the first burning tower.

One of the reporters said, “Looks like an accident.” Then becoming a bit alarmed he said, “Can’t he see that? Where’s he going?” He was talking about the second plane.

I responded intuitively, “He knows where he’s going... knows exactly where he’s going,” and in a blink of an eye, the plane slammed into the second Tower. It, too, exploded.

Then, sound started coming through all the TVs. “Oh, God,” echoed throughout the room.

The head honcho of the assignment desk shouted orders to get everybody into the station. She didn’t need a microphone, either. There is a phone-tree in most newsrooms that automatically goes into operation during emergencies. Most had already heard the news. It’s in their blood to watch and listen. They were on their way.

Urgent messages from the White House warned not to air the first explosion pictures, to pull the video of people jumping out of windows. An order went out to airlines and controllers to ground all planes, immediately. Somebody (I can’t be sure whom, so I won’t mention the name) gave an order to shoot down any plane if they were not down by a certain time. Scrambles were coming faster than any human could keep up with them: say this, don’t say that, be careful how you phrase this, and this is unproven news. Rumors were flying and we all were guilty of feeding into them. What did we know?

Again, someone said, “Oh God, John is flying back from Paris, anybody heard from him?” (John is a fictitious name.) Actually, ‘John’ had tried to call on his cell phone, to no avail. Cell phones and telephones lines had crashed for a while.

When things returned to near normal, newsroom phones rang in a synchronized symphony. My audience service lines remained lit for hours, even though I was fielding as many calls as possible. This call I’ll never forget. A man going into a slow panic, whispered, “There are planes flying over us...several.”

I asked, “Sir, where do you live.” I didn’t know what else to say. He said in Hyde Park—my neighborhood. Hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I told a lie and prayed I was right, said the planes were protecting the sky and that he was safe. All the while, tears were rolling down my face and I didn’t even know it.

My desk-mate, who was due in at 1 p.m., finally got through my phone lines and said she wasn’t coming in. She was afraid to get on public transportation. I understood.

That fear didn’t hit me until I left the office near 5 p.m., four hours later than I usually worked. It also didn’t hit me until later that I was in danger simply being a newsroom, a building beside the famous Chicago Tribune Tower, and across the street from the Sun Times building (the one that Trump bought and tore down to build his tower), two news giants. I calmed myself by thinking that at least I wasn’t at home alone and scared out of my wits too.

I’d lost my voice updating reports on phones. Food was being prepared two floors up for staff who hadn’t left from working the night shift before as well as for those too busy to leave the building. I went for food and ran into my immediate supervisor who ordered me home. I thought my adrenalin was pumping to the point of dizziness, but learned later that I was hypoglycemic. Food was the last thing on my mind.

The NBC Tower is located just off Michigan Ave near Wacker Drive. Michigan Ave, generally jumping with cabs, cars, and people, was erringly quiet. I looked down the street, saw a very few people walking, and an occasional car. Standing beside the Tribune Tower, I got the weirdest feeling like maybe I should run. Where? I thought. The sky was wide open over my head. It was a sinister feeling. I knew I had no control over what could happen to me. If the ‘first responders’ couldn’t protect the great city of New York, they surely couldn’t protect Chicago.

I hurried along for what seemed like miles, it was only two blocks, and boarded a bus home. I watched people as they boarded and listened to their conversations. They had no idea of the magnitude of what had just happened. One lady said her boss told her that there was an explosion in New York, but didn’t let her off early. Her seat-companion said, “Really?” They went on gossiping about anything and everything unaware that the horrors still happening in New York as well as behind the scenes in Chicago.

I wanted to yell, “Don’t you people understand, we’ve been invaded, attacked on American soil!” If they could’ve seen the people running for their lives from falling, hot debris, and choking smoke, some were sitting on sidewalk curbs, bleeding and dazed, overcome fire fighters gulping oxygen, maybe...just maybe...they would’ve understood.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I walked into my apartment, turned on the TV by habit, and it hit me...I broke down, shaking, not wanting to leave my TV on and afraid to turn it off. All that night, I kept going to my floor-to-ceiling windows scanning the sky for planes. I have never been that frightened in my life, neither have other Americans. Our lives have changed radically from 2000 to 2006—something to think about.

And politicians are still fear mongering, feeding us terrorism every chance they get.

Minnie E Miller
Copyright © September 11, 2006
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Cynique

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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 01:11 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Historians don't deny claims that FDR knew Japan was planning to launch a sneak attack on America, and he did nothing to prevent the Pearl Harbor salvo because a "good" war would be like a shot in the arm for the America economy. And, of course, conspiracy zealots are always on the look-out for some reason to prove that, unlike us ordinary blokes, they can't be hood-winked and that they know the real deal: e.g. man never landed on the moon and Suri didn't exist but was a ploy by Tom Cruise to dispel gay rumors, etc. I don't think 911 was staged; if it was, George Bush would've done a better job of acting when he got the news. Snort. But the question has to be asked as to who would benefit more from a spectacular act of terrorism. Osama? Or Bush's cabal of neocons? hummmmm.
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 11:31 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

An interesting debate about whether or not the 911 attacks were staged and/or facilitated by the government aired on Democracy Now (Link TV via Cable/Dish) yesterday.

Those who argued that 911 is the product of government hookum appeared to assert more persuasive arguments than did their opponents. But one would have to verify conflicting, contradictory claims/assertions that were made by BOTH sides of the argument.
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Ntfs_encryption

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Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 03:23 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

"Those who argued that 911 is the product of government hookum appeared to assert more persuasive arguments than did their opponents. But one would have to verify conflicting, contradictory claims/assertions that were made by BOTH sides of the argument."

Yeah, I'm sure they did. As much as I detest the ongoing mistakes, arrogance and fear mongering by the Bush administration, accusing him or the government of "staging" planes with passengers crashing into the World Trade Center buildings is too much. I question everything this current administration does and especially the history of American foreign policies, but suggesting they plotted to have planes crash into the Pentagon, WTC and the failed mission of the third plane, should be restricted to a remake of the X-Files.

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